The Using of Technology in University Studies

Mohamed Filali Aouami
6 min readJan 19, 2021


As we all know, Technology has become the engine that runs our lives, a point which no one can dismiss. We become relying on and using Technology to do most of our daily life tasks, such as using the phones as an alarm to wake up in the morning, reading trough screens more than we do with books, and we mostly contact each others by a phone call instead of face to face meeting, etc. It is hard to imagine a life nowadays without technology because it facilitated a lot of things in our life. As a part of society, we all use technology from adults to children. We spend hours behind screens, and the spend time vary from person to other. Some are spending these times working, some are doing university researches, some are watching movies while some others can be playing video games. The usage and gain benefit differentiate depending on the individual occupation or even interests. However, it is necessary to highlight the importance of technology using on the daily life of students, especially university students. The following lines will expand more about using technology in higher education and its benefits.

First of all, the higher education journey requires from students a lot of reading and researches to develop or expand their knowledge to keep up with the university studies and assessments. To serve this need, students tend to use technology to maintain their education level to the requests of university education or even the world of employment. For example, in the higher education the examination method varies totally than the tertiary education because some modules need to examine the student by writing a research paper or a report, so the professors can understand and know the student abilities and what he/she was able to learn from the previous lectures. In that sense, we can say that most of scholars nowadays, are using technology for university researches. They usually rely on the provided tools by technology such as Search Engines(Google, Bing and Yahoo, etc.) to look for information that can support their arguments on research papers. Beside, technology has helped the students to access different sources of information and libraries around the world, as well as the opportunity to access different kinds of study materials. It actually makes students face to a world with diverse information and knowledge. Scholars can benefit from this opportunity to achieve high academic learning and self-professional development. In parallel to the previous, Technology does not only help students in their education or researches, but as well the instructors. It helps them by facilitating the process of teaching and delivering information to the students. They can use technology to prepare for classes, deliver instruction, conduct research, and to keep in touch with the scholars and colleagues in different places (BALDWIN, no date).

Secondly, using technology in higher education have multiple benefits that can not be count, we can manifested some of them as follow:

· Improving the engagement of students and professors: When teachers use to technology to lecture the lectures, students are likely to be more interested in the subjects they are studying. It makes the process of learning more fun and enjoyable. It also encourage scholars to become more active by participation in the learning process which can be hard to achieve through a traditional lecture environment. In other hand, it gives the professors the chance to maintain their students performance and understand the weakness point of students to know how to improve and fix them. (WEBANYWHERE, no date)

· Encourages individual learning: As we all know from our experience the process of learning is not the same for everyone because it varies depending on the learning style of each person or student. It provides the scholars with different chances for making the process of learning more effective for everyone with different needs. For example, there are some kind of students who need much time to acquire and learn and other not, and using technology anyone can learn at his/her own speed of learning. Moreover, technology help in the first place the scholars who have some learning difficulties or disabled students. (WEBANYWHERE, no date)

· Students can learn useful life skills through technology: Beside using technology only for education the taught material by universities professors, students can develop some essentials skills that can help them in the academic journey or even their career in the future. It gives them the chance of learning new skills that benefit will their journey of success. As we know that the Modern learning is about these mainly stages which are:

- Collaborating with the surrounded environment

- Solving complex problems

- Critical thinking

- Developing different forms of communication and leadership skills

- Improving motivation and productivity

In addition, technology is helping to develop many real-world skills, such as creating presentations, learning to differentiate reliable from unreliable sources on the Internet(Developing The Academic or Professional research), and writing emails. These skills and more others are really what the students will need to learn beside the academic education to maintain the developing of the worn in 21 century. (WEBANYWHERE, no date.)

· Broadened Thinking: Previously, before the invention of Technology people used to developed their sense of beliefs based on the ideas of the people who are from their environment or the people who have a high social place, but that has changed recently all that due to the developing of Technology. Nowadays scholars become able to communicate in real-time with others across the world faster than ever. They can count on the provided material by technology to get connected instant communication regardless of distance. That point is considered as one of technology advantage impact on students because it has enabled them to broaden their horizons, see and understand the world from various perceptive that they were not be able to get it easily in the past as it is now. What is more, is the fact that it develops the students at thinking and understanding level. (Hopkins, no date)

Finally, the using of technology in higher education has helped the academics to solve and avoid several problems that were raised in the past. These problems which were considered as a weakness points against the process of developing and improving education quality from all aspects, such as the academic research and plagiarism check, etc. Delve into these problems, some of these most important problem are:

· The crowded Classrooms: According to a published report by the University of London, it stated that “once the class size passes a certain point, the teachers are bound to ‘fail’ because the demands on their time cannot be met”. In essence, we can not claim that the roof of this problem is the number of children in a classroom but rather the inability for each child to receive adequate attention, because it is actually hard to the teacher to deliver the full information of lesson and help each to understand in the same time, some student might need more times to understand while other not, each students has his or her own times to learn and understand and the crowded classrooms is standing against providing the students with the right learning environment (NIGHTINGALE, 2016).

· The Innovation of Teacher: As we all know the operation of teaching is not just a job, but it also the art on delivering the information on the right way that make the receivers of that information to understand it without any complications. Hence, so the teachers can be able to achieve what we mentioned before, they must be more productive and innovative. In that sense, they tend use technology to develop their lectures and maintain with the world developing of the subject they teach. For instance, most university teachers nowadays use the Powe Point software’ to prepare and create their own personalized and interactive courses for students in a way that comfort the both parts. (NIGHTINGALE, 2016).

To sum up, Technology is really the engine that run our life nowadays to an extent, and using it for education is powerful and beneficial for us a human, but in other hand we can not hide the fact that the it has also some bad aspects that impact us in a negative way. In that sense, it is necessary to keep in our mind the importance of controlling technology and use it for the benefit of human.


BALDWIN, R. G., n.d. Technology in Education. [Online]

Available at:,learn%20together%20from%20an%20instructor.

[Accessed 23 12 2020].

Hopkins, B., n.d. Advantages of Technology in Education. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 23 12 2020].

NIGHTINGALE, R., 2016. 5 Problems in Education That Technology Will Soon Solve. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 23 12 2020].

WEBANYWHERE, n.d. Top 6 benefits of using technology in the classroom. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 23 12 2020].



Mohamed Filali Aouami
Mohamed Filali Aouami

Written by Mohamed Filali Aouami

My name is Mohamed, and I'm 21 years old. I like to hsre my passionate ideas and help to develop the cultiure of sharing ideas

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